Latest from Nancy

I hope that you are all well and having a great start to this new year.

I’d like to thank you as always for your continued support!
2021 saw me release my debut album – ‘With Love x’ and my EP ‘Why Not’. I loved the process of both and I hope that you are enjoying listening to them! If you haven’t heard them yet then they are available to listen to or download on all music platforms – Spotify, iTunes, Amazon etc. or if you would like to purchase the ‘With Love x’ CD you can find them here:

With Love (Album)

Nancy May – ‘Why Not’



I look forward to recording more at Highfield Studio this year and to releasing some new songs soon. You can keep up to date on my social media platforms if you don’t already!



I also plan to post lots of  YouTube this year – Nancy May Soprano. Thank you to those of you who have subscribed and commented!


As well as many online concerts throughout 2021, I finally performed a Christmas concert last month in Hatfield Broad Oak which I loved! – thank you to those of you who were in the audience… I hope that you had as much fun as I did!

My first concert of 2022 is on Saturday, 23rd of April at 7.30pm in Saffron Walden, Essex.
It will be an evening of beautiful music accompanied by a fantastic cellist, violinist and pianist. If you would like to find out more or book tickets, simply click here

I will keep you informed of more concerts and news to come!
In the meantime I wish you all a very healthy and happy New Year ahead and I look forward to singing for you again soon.


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