Latest from Nancy
Hello all!
I hope that you are keeping well and having a great week with a lovely long weekend ahead!
I’m currently writing this month’s newsletter whilst in the recording studio… I’m looking forward to releasing some new music soon!
Last Saturday, April 23rd, I performed my ‘Concert by Candlelight’ in stunning St Mary’s Church, Saffron Walden.
It was such a fantastic night, full of beautiful music with amazing musicians. It really was a great night.
(I’m only sad that there isn’t another one to look forward to this weekend!)
Thank you so much to everyone who was in the audience and helped to raise money for Ukraine and a special thank you to my sponsors – ‘The Maypole’, restaurant in Thaxted, ‘I Do Your Tax’, ‘Arkwright & Co’ Estate Agent and ‘Law Salons’ all in Saffron Walden.

I have received so many lovely messages and I just wanted to share a few!
“I really enjoyed the concert and it was a fantastic varied set. I thought it was going to be good but tour performance blew me away. You must have worked so hard to prepare that. Loved the variety of the songs it was beautiful and fun. Your other musicians were also amazing. Thanks very much and hopefully you raised lots of money for the cause.”
“Had the opportunity to attend your Saffron Walden concert out of the blue. It made our weekend! Have been to St Mary’s many times but never had an experience like this.
Your voice is strong subtle and most of all musical. The Rusalka number was sung better than I’ve heard even at the Met! We shall certainly look out for your future concerts and wish you every success!”
“Thank you for such a fantastic concert last night! Nathan, Jayden, Ezo & yourself (of course!) deserve so much credit – every song was a success – you basically played my favourite music ever, with a new Spanish 17th dance to investigate. It really was the highest standard and your French & Italian is absolutely superb. Just loved the Godfather too” Sponsor’s review
I am now back into the swing of learning new songs, teaching singing, singing at various gigs as well as recording and hopefully releasing some music soon!
Please keep up to date on my Facebook / Instagram and Youtube channel as well. I am also on Spotify, Amazon and Apple music and other download platforms for you to hear.
Now that my concert is finished until the next one, I will be focusing more online and perhaps even performing an online concert.
As always, thank you for your continued support and loveliness!
Copyright Nancy May 2020
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